10 Nov 2008

Sitting proud

We'll do this post chronologically, shall we:

Date night on Friday night was great, Babysitter arrived shortly after 6pm, our film started at 8pm. I even had time to look around the new bookstore that opened last week, although we unfortunately didn't have time for a sit down meal as the restaurants in our city are renowned for their slow service. Ben and Jerrys has finally arrived in Germany, at least in the cinema tuck shop so dessert was choc fudge brownie (diet starts today I promise). The film I found initially a bit confusing as we never saw Casino Royale so didn't really get the "Vespa" references (assume she was the previous bond girl who died/committed suicide). I find DC very cold and humourless as James Bond but the film was certainly action laden as always. All in all Z and I enjoyed the night.

Saturday morning was spent cooking in preparation for our guests who descended on us in the afternoon. Four children under four in a 112 sq meter flat and rotten weather outside. Needless to say it was as action packed as the Bond film if not quite as thrill laden. Last time these friends came to visit us is when Ciara started crawling, this time Enya started sitting "normally", up to now she has only sat in M-sitting (bum between her thighs). We'll have to have them around more often, me thinks. Their oldest boy thinks the girls are great and wants to "look after" them and cuddle with them the whole time, just as well as the friends are trying for their 3rd child. Saturday night ended late or early Sunday morning for the guys after another marathon whiskey tasting session.

Z was not happy when I got him up to help feed the girls Sunday morning at 8am, as a non drinker I'm afraid I'm not very sympathetic about the mornings after ;0). Sunday was more relaxed, the kids were calmer and after breakfast our friends left for their relatives. The girls took a 3 hour (!!) nap at midday as did Z and I crawled into bed with a good book too. Last night we took our first (and probably last) family bath, our bathtub is huge but even then is was a little crowded and the girls keep wanting to stand or crawl around the bath so that it feels even more full.

This morning we could all have slept in an hour longer but Z needed to go to work for 8am, and since we're just getting over a difficult spell* with Enya and feeding, we're trying to have 2 sets of hands for feeds as much as possible. Enya is eating really well for the last few days, of course life would be too easy if that was the end of the story, that's why we have twins....Ciara is now spitting out any fruit bits we give her eg bananas or fruit in yogurt. Needless to say she didn't enjoy her lunch of avo and banana. Oh well, Enya ate her share too, so at least I didn't have to throw it away.

*she has gone back on to anti reflux formula again and she immediately settled down with drinking and eating. The doc still doesn't want to know about her "reflux" and refuses to offer us any investigations/meds. We'd really hoped she had outgrown this, if it is even reflux, but no luck. Now we have to stick with the clumpy expensive formula :-P

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