15 Feb 2008

Guess who are 6 months old today

I can't believe it but the girls are 6 months old today!! I can remember right at the beginning just wishing that they were a week old, a month old, 6 weeks old and time seeming to drag by and now they are 6 months old!!

We had our assessment at the Social paediatric centre yesterday, the appointment should have been next month (preemie check up to see that they are on target with their development) but we had it brought forward as we wanted to see if we could get Enya speech therapy (ST). Unfortunately Enya has been struggling with her feeding from the get go (see History posts) and te last few weeks we have been battling to get her to drink 450ml in a day. She weighs a kilo more than at her discharge and that was the minimum daily amount she needed then!! We have been referred to ST and to an ENT specialist as she has a very soft voice and she often has very noisy breathing especially after eating. The down side was the doctor warned us we are probably going to keep her heart rate, breathing and sats monitor longer than we thought (we were hoping to get rid of it at the end of this month or at the latest in 3 months time) as due to her receding chin she could be obstructing her airway with her tongue when she is sleeping- the doctors explaination of why she desats down into the 50's even when she is not moving. I prefer my explaination- she remains rosy so it is obviously a false reading. I hate the monitor!!!

On the positive side they are very pleased with Enya's development although Ciara concerns them a bit. WTF!!! Ciara has had no brain issues apart from the suspected fitting and she is going for an EEG next week just to check on that- she has received no meds or had any suspicions of fitting for 4 and a half months now. In the meantime I'm to concentrate a bit more on Ciara during our 3-4x daily physio sessions (in between the hour long feeding sessions with Enya!). On the plus side Ciara impressed everybody with her social skills and her ability to vocalise i.e. scream shrilly at odd moments during the assessment. They did say she had a good range of sounds, so no ST for Ciara;-). Always a silver lining.

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