25 Jun 2008

all alone again

I feel like I've had a holiday after ten days with my parents here. I know ANOTHER holiday!;-).

We've had the most fantastic weather while they were here and even managed to fit in a couple of BBQs. The girls were relatively well behaved and realy enjoyed the extra attention. One to two adults per baby is an unheard of ratio here in Twinsville. Today is the first meal where one of them is going to have to wait again before being fed so I do believe it is going to get loud.

I'm now just waiting for the girls to wake up so I can take them over to the hospital where I used to work. They have been asking to see the girls and as I used to work on the orthopaedic wards I feel it is quite safe (our little country hospital doesn't treat any weird infections, they all go to the bigger hospitals in the city).

I have also decided I'm going to try not be too over protective, they need to be exposed to germs to build up their immune systems. There was a study done in the UK recently that said children who were exposed to REGULAR/COMMON germs in early childhood were 30% less likely to develop the most common form of childhood leukemia. Obviously RSV and more serious infections (GIT infections) are not included in this exposure plan, come RSV season the Z household is in lockdown again! However a common cold or two would not go amiss!

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